Assignment # 01 CONTRIBUTION OF AGRICULTURE, INDUSTRIES AND SERVICE SECTORTO GDP IN BANGLADESH FROM late(a) 1950 TO TILL NOW Prepared For: Prof. M.Z. Mamun Course Instructor: achievement ManagementPerpared by:Shamima NasrinID No. 092051058MBA Program University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, (ULAB) October 23, 2009 Th e gros s dom es t i c p rod u ct ( GDP ) o r gros s dom es t i c i nc om e ( GD I) i s a ba s i cmeasure of a countrys boilers suit economic performance. It is the market value of allfinal goods and services made at heart the borders of a country in a year. It is oftenpositively correlated with thestandard of living. In t h e na m e G ro ss Dom es t i c harvest, Gross means that GDP measures takings regardless of the varioususes to which that production can be put. Domestic means that GDP measuresproduction that takes get off within the countrys borders.Bangladesh is a based on gardening country because majority percent people arefarmer. A skeleton discussion of Bangladesh economy may help us to clear itsGDP. Economy of Bangladesh is composed of troika main sectors 1. Agriculture, 2.Industry, 3. Service.Agriculture sector includes crops, forestry, ancestry & fisheries. Main agricul turefood products are cereals, pulses, gur/sugar, milk, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, oiletc.
Major industrial crops are tea, jute, tobacco plant etc. Total cultivable area was 2.26core areas in the look of 1983-84, which decreased to 1.64 core areas in 1995-96. There are three categories of industries of industry in Bangladesh- Large ScaleIndustries, Medium Scale Industries & keen Cottage Industries.Major industries are referred in the followingâ"1. Fo od , B ev e r a ge & T ob a c c o.2 .T ex t i l e, A pp a re l a nd l e a t h er .3 .W oo d 7 w oo d pr od uc t s. 4.P ap e r, P a p er p ro du ct s.5 .C h em i c al s an d C hem i c al pr odu ct 6. No n - m et a l l i c Mi n er al p ro du ct s.7 . B asi c Me t a l i ndu s t ri es. 8. F a br i c a t ed M et al p ro du ct s .... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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